Tuesday 19 November 2013

Assalamualaikum , Next year i am 11 years old . Cpatnya msa berlalu o.O . About BFF ? Yeah , aq sda halaui smua perkara yg mcm niee . Adha , manis n masam . smua perkara inie sda di lalui oleh anda smua jugak khan ? Whene
ver you all go , i will follow you all . But my talk active bff that we call fazryna want to move to the anoter school :'( very sad :( it's ok . We can't live without her . We can't see she smile , happy , laugh n anything . That's what i call Best friend forever n ever . We can call she when we in the sadness , happy , in love , in laugh , but,know we can't :( Aigoo , and another people want to leave me . She gonna move to the another town . She don't want to tell me where was she go . Now i only can see her in the facebook , twitter n instagram . Okay , see you in the my another blog.

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